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Beer and Bicycle Tour Around the World fitfortyandretired KR

I love beer and travelling. The best way to combine the two is by bicycle. I will weave in and out around the world and sam...

David Haywood's World by Bike dhaywood23 GB

An 11 month, 20,000 mile circumnavigation of the globe by bike, from September 2018 to August 2019 raising money for the In...

Long way home, cycling from Iran mazarsju FR

After my travels around Asia and New Zealand, it's now time for me to go back home. But since I REALLY enjoy making things...

Sailing with Dylan Magaster EarthStory US

I sailed with Dylan starting in Athens headed for the Black Sea. We crossed the Aegean, into Turkey, then through the Sea o...

Turquie 2019 Gileliza FR FR

Nous voici avec un nouveau véhicule (bien que le même modèle qu'auparavant) qu'il a fallu ré-aménager. Nous partons faire u...

Autostop - Un aller-retour à Chypre voyagezvotrevie FR

Après une semaine de vélo entre Paris et le Mont-Saint-Michel, je prends deux jours de repos avant de partir en stop à Chyp...