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D'un FInistere à l'autre (aout/septembre 2019) Gwenadu FR

Départ le 26 Aout à vélo de Plonevez du Faou direction Saint Jacques de Compostelle, (Espagne) pour un retour en car

Team 5 nations (2019) Ralph NL

Team 5 Nations is aiming to row across the Atlantic Ocean in less than 48 days from Portimão to French Guiana. https://oce...

EuroVelo 3 - Pilgrims' Route EuroVelo FR

Download GPX file. Trondheim - Santiago de Compostela 5,122 km

Maroc 2016 2017 Babou24 FR FR

Encore, une fois de plus, nous allons visiter ce beau pays.

Captain Manicorn captainmanicorn US US

The show Captain Manicorn follows an American couple traveling the world with their dog while pursuing their seemingly impo...

2 lorrains au Maroc Jeffaumaroc FR FR

Deux lorrains partent a l'aventure direction le Maroc en passant par l'Espagne et le Portugal

Le Puy - Santiago Isabelle-Bernard FR FR

Départ prévu le mercredi 18 avril

Our trip to South East Asia ourtriptosoutheastasia NL FR

As we are going on exchange to Hanoi from March 2018 to end June 2018, we wanted to create a photo blog so that our family...

Born to Ride 2018 "Pleins Phares" marguerite-muhlhaus FR

Participation au Born to Ride 2018 "Pleins Phares" de Chilkoot.