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We finally launch our blog! Introducing new team member

October 9, 2016

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Woohoo!!! We are super excited to announce that TravelMap blog is officially launched!

Clément released the first version of TravelMap in January 1st, 2014.

After 2 years and 9 months, we are finally able to bring to our dear community a platform where we can communicate exciting and important news from TravelMap, share with you our vision as well as promote the coolest travel stories from the TravelMap community.

Introducing new team member

TravelMap is now not a one man show anymore.


Clara joined the team in September 2016 to help with marketing and communication. She's actually writing this blog post (Hello guys! Clara here). Clara successfully passed the entrance test to join TravelMap by completing a wild fishing trip which was previously, only welcomed the real Gaulois (read: French countryside men), and two one-week cycling trips, averaging 100km/day, with zero experience.

She commits to growing the TravelMap community and inspire more travellers to go travel more and be open-minded.

So, what do we mean by that?

Not Just Another Travel Blog

- Clément examining his castle from afar

Look around, you see so many travel blogs out there with all types of content, so why bother with another one?

There is a big goal with TravelMap Blog.

We don't want to be just another travel blog, we want to inspire you with the ways of travel we believe in: slow, being fully immersed, close to nature and local cultures - and above all: sustainable and green. You'll understand what we have in mind as we go along.

We are aware that the community right now is mostly French speaking, but we want to make it more international. So the blog will be mainly in English. However, there will be French content as well (prefixed with [FR] in the title), so nobody is left out. :)

You are one of our authors

For us, a blog is a multi way communication channel: between TravelMap team and you, between everyone in the community with each other. Therefore, your input and stories and very welcomed.

You are using TravelMap? Or a passionate traveller, or just someone who feels identified with our vision? - feel free to write to us.