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Perles de l'Europe centrale 2017 msoa95 FR FR

Cette année nous partons découvrir ces capitales (Berlin,Prague,Vienne,Bratislava,Budapest et Cracovie) d'une très grande r...

Eurotrip for Dad BujoldFamily CA

Dreams need to come true! This is Bujold's family's Dad's dream trip backpacking through Europe.

Our retirement trip of our lifetime. Two-Macs AU AU

This trip we planned to take after we had both retired from our employment, so after booking two cruises we had a month in...

“The Best Fireworks Ever.....” bdsaly US US

....but this new year we’re not in Sydney (although Sydney's new year fireworks most likely are the “best ever” - they alwa...

RoadTrip 2018-2019 alexbirdy FR

We're french travelers, using mainly hitchhicking, happiness and the will to share unforgettable moments with every humans...

Euro By Bike 2017 kgbolger IE

After a couple of years in Asia I figured it would be nice to explore a little closer to home. Maybe 6 or 8 months, maybe 1...